The Perilous Expedition Kaeb C., age 10 In 1620 Goodman Howland boarded an old...
Odd Form of Expression – Level C
by Lydia R., age 17 Margaret More Roper was born in London in 1505 as the...
Canterburied – Level C
by Elijah G., age 17 Margaret More Roper was born in 1505 to Englishman Sir...
Unit 1/2
by Jace, age 10 Scorpions are not insects. They are arachnids and have eight legs, two pincers, and a barbed tail. There are more than two thousand types of...
by Keian, age 12 Scorpions are not insects. Scorpions are eight-legged arachnids with two pincers and a barbed tail. There are two thousand different types of...
by Andrew Heil, age 14 To do the hard things, one must do what everyone else is neglecting and overlooking. Sorrowfully, in America throughout the past...
by Joshua Garrison, age 14 In 1736 a group of approximately 180 Scots traveled to Savannah, Georgia, eager to escape English oppression. The Scottish were a...
by Nathan Bowen, age 13 In the remote little town of Nome, Alaska, a tremendous part of the town’s population was suffering from a deadly throat disease due to...