by Keian, age 12 Scorpions are not insects. Scorpions are eight-legged...
Kindness during COVID-19 – Level A Third Place
by Samuel K., age 9 Kindness is important because when someone is sad or...
StreamEasy: A Simple Solution for Modern Entertainment – Level C Honorable Mention
By Adanna M., age 17 Movies today have never been more accessible in the...
by Keian, age 12 Scorpions are not insects. Scorpions are eight-legged arachnids with two pincers and a barbed tail. There are two thousand different types of species. Scorpions live on every...
by Samuel K., age 9 Kindness is important because when someone is sad or frustrated, kindness means that someone cares about them. During what almost...
By Adanna M., age 17 Movies today have never been more accessible in the history of cinema. When the first films premiered in the late nineteenth century, they...
by Zoe F., age 14 Mark Twain once retorted, “Soap and education are not as sudden as massacre, but they are more deadly in the long run.” Soap is not just...
Dear Readers, Welcome to a special edition of the Magnum Opus newsletter. We just love sharing the work of the brave and talented students who took the plunge...