A Debt, a Deed, and a Deliveranceby Sophia L., age 12 Victor, a young man who...
Fanatical Fashions
by Jessica Andress, age 16 Winter raged outside. It battered the shutters...
The Wonderful, Creative Manuscript
by Gabrielle Fu, age 11 Ricky promptly took a sheet of paper to do his...
Unit 5
A Debt, a Deed, and a Deliveranceby Sophia L., age 12 Victor, a young man who had tried many jobs before, was now a kindhearted ice cream man who sold his frozen dessert in a park across the street...
by Jessica Andress, age 16 Winter raged outside. It battered the shutters, whistled down the chimneys, and threatened to burst asunder the front doors of the...
by Gabrielle Fu, age 11 Ricky promptly took a sheet of paper to do his homework, which was his favorite assignment yet. In this project, he was supposed to...
by Ally Dickinson, age 11 As his homemade cart sped out of control, Nick became increasingly terrified. He and his brother, Flavius, had built the cart because...