A Debt, a Deed, and a Deliveranceby Sophia L., age 12 Victor, a young man who...
A Debt, a Deed, and a Deliverance

A Debt, a Deed, and a Deliveranceby Sophia L., age 12 Victor, a young man who...
2021 Writing Contest First Place Submission, Level A No Certain Answer by...
2021 Writing Contest Honorable Mention, Level A The Secret Bed Makers by Eloise...
The Perilous Expedition Kaeb C., age 10 In 1620 Goodman Howland boarded an old, creaky merchant vessel called The Mayflower. He set sail with some Pilgrims...
by Jace, age 10 Scorpions are not insects. They are arachnids and have eight legs, two pincers, and a barbed tail. There are more than two thousand types of...
by Keian, age 12 Scorpions are not insects. Scorpions are eight-legged arachnids with two pincers and a barbed tail. There are two thousand different types of...
by Sophia S., age 10 A little skipping stone can make ripples over the whole surface of a lake, and your little acts of kindness can affect the world...
by Samuel K., age 9 Kindness is important because when someone is sad or frustrated, kindness means that someone cares about them. During what almost...