by Jessica M., age 15 My mom’s eyes blazed dangerously at my brother and me, “I don’t care if you don’t want to go. You are going to Chinese school. End of...
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by Meghan A., age 18 The secrets of farming were passed down through generations. Then at some point, things changed, and cost efficient agriculture in...
by Maxine M., age 17 “The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.” Though a seemingly simple sentiment, many debate what Marcus Aurelius truly meant...
by Abby M., age 15 Plodding along in my Toyota Sequoia down I-5, with sweat causing my back to stick to the driver’s seat, I roll the car window down in...
by Jocelyn G., age 12 Alone in a jail cell sat a man. He was hungry. He was lonely. He was terrified. He had come “face to face with time.” Nelson Mandela was...
by Emma P., age 11 Bombs bursting, explosions erupting. Guns sputtering put-put-put-put! People talking about tyranny, an evil man, ration cards, shelters, and...
by Samuel K., age 9 Kindness is important because when someone is sad or frustrated, kindness means that someone cares about them. During what almost...
by Sophia S., age 10 A little skipping stone can make ripples over the whole surface of a lake, and your little acts of kindness can affect the world...
by Talia W., age 11 As stated so eloquently by Ruby Bridges’ mother, “Our Ruby taught us all a lot. She became someone who helped change our country. She was...
Concept of refugee. Silhouette of the hungry children of refugees near the border fence in the sunset by Nina S., age 12 Luba Tryszynska shot up in her bunk...