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Clever and Amazing

by Warren S.

The octopus has a bizarre body. Fused with the head, the tentacles make the octopus seem otherworldly. Appropriately, it is referred to as a cephalopod, which means “head-foot.” On its eight tentacles the octopus has suckers that it uses to attach to and pry open objects. Astonishingly, the octopus has no bones. Because the octopus has this strange trait, it can fit into small crevices to hide from predators. The octopus has three hearts. While only one heart pumps blood to the body, the other two of the octopus’s hearts are used to pump blood to its gills. The largest type of octopus is the giant Pacific octopus, which has an average length of sixteen feet and an average weight of 110 pounds. Astoundingly, the smallest type of octopus, the Octopus wolfi, weighs less than a gram, and is less than one inch long. Because the octopus’s body is weird and abnormal, it may scare people, but it is actually a very beautiful animal. 

The octopus’s habitat is worldwide, ranging from the cold Arctic to the warm, clear waters of the Caribbean. Living worldwide, the octopus prefers marine waters. Most octopuses are pelagic, which means they prefer to live near the water’s sparkling surface. Creatively, the octopus makes its home in shells, reefs, and all types of crevices because it has no shell of its own. Although the octopus prefers the surface, many octopuses abide on tropical and semitropical ocean floors. Depending on disguise to protect it from predators, the octopus craftily burrows under the sand when in open waters. This disguises it. While the octopus is most common in warm waters, it can be found everywhere. Some octopuses even live in the mouths of rivers. The octopus’s habitat is an amazing thing because it encompasses the whole oceanic world. 

Because the octopus is a food source for many animals, its behavior is clever and strange. Unsurprisingly, the octopus is the most intelligent invertebrate. It is not social. While some octopuses hunt only at night, others hunt at dusk and dawn. Changing skin color and pattern, the octopus intelligently performs many functions to disguise and protect itself when threatened. Because of the octopus’s need to protect itself, it contorts its body in many ways, sometimes even changing its shape to imitate dangerous animals. Because octopuses are prey for many animals, they are excellent escape artists, which requires them to be very strong. The octopus’s behavior, while strange and erratic, is also clever and amazing.

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