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Living Miracles

Isaac D., age 12

Making up all of the living organisms around a human, cells are complex and yet have wonderful organelles with amazing functions. Cells are a wonder. Mitochondria are used as a powerhouse in the cells, making usable energy for the cell. The endoplasmic reticulum, which is also known as the ER, is the delivery system of the cell. Ribosomes play a humongous part in a cell by making proteins of the cell. Although the Golgi apparatus is such a large name, it is a very small part of the cell. Even so, the Golgi apparatus has an important role in the cell by processing food for the cell. Because of vacuoles, the cell is able to store food and chemicals. Undeniably, the nucleus is most important because it holds the DNA of a cell. Proteins, although they are so small, are the building blocks of a cell. The cell is a marvelous organism with some astoundingly elaborate functions. 

Cells have a very intricate, yet awesome, way of reproducing. A cell can reproduce by asexual reproduction, meaning it does not need two cells to reproduce. Asexual reproduction is particularly fast. Asexual reproduction may include budding. Yeast, which is unicellular, meaning each grain of yeast is only one cell, reproduces using budding. Budding is when a cell grows a small bump. Eventually, the bud will either grow into a new cell or it will stay attached to the cell from which it was formed. Although budding may sound silly, it is very effective. Regeneration is another way a cell may reproduce, since budding is not always an option. Regeneration is when an organism is cut in half, then the two pieces grow into two of the same organisms. Fragmentation is when a plant such as algae is broken in two, then each of the two pieces become a whole new plant. Using fragmentation, plants are able to reproduce a gigantic amount. Fragmentation and regeneration are not the same thing because regeneration occurs in marine flatworms such as planarians whereas fragmentation occurs in water plants such as algae. Yet another way an organism can reproduce asexually is by spores. Spores are small seed-like structures, but they do not carry food for the embryo. Because a spore rarely sprouts into a plant, the parent plant must produce many spores. All asexual products are the same because of the way the DNA is lined up on a spindle-like substance in the nucleus of a cell then splits in half. Asexual reproduction is very adequate. God truly put much effort in when He made these elaborate cells and the way they reproduce.

God gave cells a wonderful membrane which has many purposes. Cell membranes are wonderfully effective. The cell membrane, which is the boundary of a cell, is also a shield for the cell. Cell membranes are identified by the fluid mosaic model because of the way proteins are embedded in it so that it looks like a mosaic. Because of the way a membrane is made, it looks almost liquid, which is why it is identified by the fluid mosaic model. Typically, a cell’s membrane consists of fats called lipids. There are two ways a cell’s membrane can transport substance across itself. One way is through active transportation, but since this is moving the substance from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration using the cell’s energy, it can also transport through passive transportation, which does not require energy. A membrane can perform passive transportation two ways through diffusion or osmosis. Using diffusion and osmosis, the transported material is transported from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Plant cells have a cell wall, which is outside of the membrane. On very few bacteria cells there is a capsule which is a thick goo around the cell. Although small, the cell membrane is a very adequate shield for the cell.

Works Cited

Csanyi, Carolyn. “List of Cell Organelles & Their Functions.” Sciencing, 14 May 2019, sciencing.com/list-cell-organelles-functions-5340983.html. Accessed 17 Oct. 2019.

Dowd, Mary. “Reproduction of Plant Cells.” Sciencing, 31 July 2019, sciencing.com/reproduction-plant-cells-7989582.html. Accessed 17 Oct. 2019. 

Lacy, Elizabeth A. Life Science. BJU Press, 2013.  

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