A Debt, a Deed, and a Deliveranceby Sophia L., age 12 Victor, a young man who...
Intriguing Stories of a Madman
Intriguing Stories of a Madmanby Ella S., age 14 Nikola Tesla is almost...
Caught by Consequences
Caught by Consequencesby Abigail H., age 16 Consequences follow...
by Stephen Pearson, age 16 “We were both dumb.” Midas, the gold-stricken king of Ovid’s Metamorphoses parades this astute observation to Ilsebill, a lesser...
by Lily Bell, age 14 John Ronald Ruel Tolkien, who is more commonly known as Tolkien, experienced a challenging childhood. He was born in Africa, where his...
by Nathan Bowen, age 13 The elephant, known as one of the most majestic mammals of the arid plains of Africa and the lush jungles of Asia, is recognized by...
In the savory city of Pizza, where toppings flourished and Anchovy’s theories were not questioned, there was a mushroom named Galileo. Galileo was not like the...
By Kellyn Bertsch, age 12 The warm sun rose auspiciously on what would be a memorable day for two young rebels. On April 2, 1775, two audacious best friends...