A Debt, a Deed, and a Deliveranceby Sophia L., age 12 Victor, a young man who...
Intriguing Stories of a Madman
Intriguing Stories of a Madmanby Ella S., age 14 Nikola Tesla is almost...
Caught by Consequences
Caught by Consequencesby Abigail H., age 16 Consequences follow...
by Janee O., age 10 “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” ~Mark Twain. Kindness lays the foundation for trust, successful...
by Andrew P., age 13 Dear Family, I have learned to write! Since I have been listening in on your IEW classes, I have learned to form letters with a pencil...
by Zoe F., age 14 Mark Twain once retorted, “Soap and education are not as sudden as massacre, but they are more deadly in the long run.” Soap is not just...
by Anna P., age 10 Children all over the world love to play with a new fidget toy called slime. Since slime is one of the most played with toys, people quickly...
by Mary Charles Johnson, age 12 Dorothy Gibson, an upand-coming silent screen actress, was in for the ride of her life. Immediately a hit, she starred in Hands...