Layout A (one post)

Level C Unit 3

Pleasing Matilda

Pleasing Matildaby Ashleigh B., age 14 Nestled in the sheltered green hills of a pleasant valley, the mill turned busily and creaked as it shivered to a stop. Matthias, who was a kindly man, small of stature and of courage, took a final look around the scanty yet pristine mill before...

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Layout A2

Level C Unit 3

Pleasing Matilda

Pleasing Matildaby Ashleigh B., age 14 Nestled in the sheltered green hills of a pleasant valley, the mill turned busily and creaked as it shivered to a stop. Matthias, who was a kindly man, small of...

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Layout A2 (combined with B)

Level C Unit 3

Pleasing Matilda

Pleasing Matildaby Ashleigh B., age 14 Nestled in the sheltered green hills of a pleasant valley, the mill turned busily and creaked as it shivered to a stop. Matthias, who was a kindly man, small of...

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Layout A3

Pleasing Matildaby Ashleigh B., age 14 Nestled in the sheltered green hills of a pleasant valley, the mill turned busily and creaked as it shivered to a stop. Matthias, who was a kindly man, small of stature and of courage, took a final look around...

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Layout A (with pagination)

Level C Unit 3

Pleasing Matilda

Pleasing Matildaby Ashleigh B., age 14 Nestled in the sheltered green hills of a pleasant valley, the mill turned busily and creaked as it shivered to a stop. Matthias, who was a kindly man, small of stature and of courage, took a final look around the scanty yet pristine mill before...

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Featured Level A Unit 5

A Debt, a Deed, and a Deliverance

A Debt, a Deed, and a Deliveranceby Sophia L., age 12 Victor, a young man who had tried many jobs before, was now a kindhearted ice cream man who sold his frozen dessert in a park across the street from his home. Because he wanted to improve his sales, he made a loan to buy a gigantic...

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Featured Level B Unit 6

Intriguing Stories of a Madman

Intriguing Stories of a Madmanby Ella S., age 14 Nikola Tesla is almost universally considered to have a mind transcendent to that of the average human. He was spontaneous and dramatic. Equally childlike and futuristic, he had a sense of humor and a mind of genius, which served both his...

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Featured Level C Unit 8

Caught by Consequences

Caught by Consequencesby Abigail H., age 16    Consequences follow drivers everywhere. Whether they are driving to the grocery store or late for an important event, it is highly likely that their cell phone was in their hand at one time or another during the drive. Insanely...

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