2021 Writing Contest Featured Featured on Facebook Level C Submissions

How I Live with Passion

2021 Writing Contest 3rd Place Submission, Level C

How I Live with Passion by Grace K.

I live with passion. Radiant passion drives me to devote myself to what vividly captures my interest. Maturing into adulthood is a continuous process, one that necessitates perseverance. The future is a nebulous term, for it never truly arrives, but I know the rest of my life is looming on the horizon. As I prepare, I seek to maintain a healthy balance between doing things I love and remaining productive. Instead of solely focusing on my hopes, dreams, and plans, I desire to joyfully embrace what God places before me right now, knowing this is the key to future success. I play the piano as I worship along with the youth group. I answer the wondering questions of my young Sunday school class. I advocate for what is right in government. If I am yielded to God, He will accomplish His perfect plan for my life as I determine daily to serve Him. 

My first love has to be music, an interest that has grown to a passion I use to serve others. In the early years of my study, I detested theory. To me, it appeared to smother my creative spirit. Once I yielded to the wisdom of my teacher, my practice began to produce beautiful effects. For nearly a decade I have studied the piano, now practicing at minimum an hour daily. While this preparation is tedious and time consuming, this effort has prepared me to play the keyboard for my youth group. I look forward to the day when I may be a church’s pianist. My delight in piano, which has instilled in me devotion to song, drive to flawlessness, and a joy in blessing others, has led to the reward of breathtaking music. 

Similar to music, the political process fascinated me from an early age. While still a young teen, I attended three years of an arduous weeklong political leadership camp, earning my government credit through hands-on practice in the Indiana State Capitol. It was not long before I aspired to put what I was studying into practice. For years my family has supported an organization that fights for parents’ right to direct the upbringing, education, and medical care of their children. As the organization sought support in Indiana for legislation to that end, my family volunteered our services. With the effective strategies I have learned, I tackle the tasks put before me. My responsibilities range from meeting with potential sponsors for parental rights legislation to tearing apart opponents’ arguments. A rigorous job, lobbying has taught me life skills such as perseverance and public speaking. 

While I thrive on debate, sharing the gospel seemed intimidating to me as God kept placing a strong burden for it on my heart. Last summer I hesitantly sent in an application to Child Evangelism Fellowship, a ministry dedicated to training teens to share the gospel. After a whirlwind of sessions, practice, and incredible results, I felt equipped to move forward. No matter the situation, I can now clearly and effectively share the gospel with five simple colors. Blossoming into a fervor, my love for kids and showing them the truth only grows. Just a few short months later, I am now immersed in teaching my own children’s Sunday school class. Watching these children grasp gospel truths for the first time inspires me to live as a clean vessel for Jesus through the rest of my week, one that I know these children can look to as a godly example. Sunday mornings generally find me with a kid in my arms and several trailing behind me, my futile attempts at holding back laughter at their antics utterly failing. These relationships, these memories, and these truths are ones that I hope to have with many kids and eventually my own.

If one should try to locate me, it would be challenging to guess where to look due to my numerous and varied pursuits. Accused by my friends of laughing when something is not even amusing and always having a “good vibe,” I strive to live life with joy even on the difficult days. I know that the patterns and habits I establish now will drastically influence the rest of my life. My attempts and daily struggles are weak to Jesus, I know, but it is because of His strength that I become so much more than a conqueror. During this journey it has not been easy. It has been about enduring. However, the most imperative reality is that however I fail, I must get back up and keep pressing forward towards maturity. My pursuits, my struggles, and my joys all must come together in a life yielded to Jesus for His strength to become more mature in Him. No matter where I am or what I do, I have resolved to live for Jesus. I will always live with passion.


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  • This was a magnificent piece! I love how you used your gift of words to share the gospel!

  • You are truly an “instrument of Christ”–thanks for sharing your heart–it is a wonderful testimony. Reading about your passion for Jesus was very encouraging, and I can identify with you in many ways. I will be praying for you, my Sister in Christ.