The Magnum Opus Magazine is a premier showcase of work from students around the world. The magazine is published yearly, along with monthly e-newsletters by the Institute for Excellence in Writing, L.L.C (IEW®). The “Magnum Opus,” which is Latin for “great work,” was originally based on the ideas presented by James B. Webster, Ph.D. In his text Blended Structure and Style in Composition, Webster explained the concept of a Magnum Opus. This was the title he gave to a book published each year by his class, which consisted of the finest student-written papers of the year.
It is the desire of the Institute for Excellence in Writing to create an opportunity for students to have their best work published for all to enjoy. We believe that the Magnum Opus Magazine will become a premier student literary journal, with something of interest for every member of the family. Moreover, it will serve as an opportunity for students to be published and have their work read by peers worldwide. Feel free to check out our site and submit an original piece to the Magnum Opus Magazine!
“My daughter has just started IEW this year with an IEW instructor, and it has been amazing to see how her writing has blossomed in such a short time. Very excited to continue using IEW and hopefully to have her writing eventually showcased in this lovely magazine. Thank you for sharing and featuring this magazine for our future writers.” – IEW mom of 3
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