Intriguing Stories of a Madmanby Ella S., age 14 Nikola Tesla is almost...
Trusting in My Immaculate Mother
2021 Writing Contest Honorable Mention, Level B Trusting in My Immaculate...
Building Trust through Babysitting
2021 Writing Contest 3rd Place Submission, Level B Building Trust through...
Level B
by Jocelyn G., age 12 Alone in a jail cell sat a man. He was hungry. He was lonely. He was terrified. He had come “face to face with time.” Nelson Mandela was...
by Talia W., age 11 As stated so eloquently by Ruby Bridges’ mother, “Our Ruby taught us all a lot. She became someone who helped change our country. She was...
Concept of refugee. Silhouette of the hungry children of refugees near the border fence in the sunset by Nina S., age 12 Luba Tryszynska shot up in her bunk...
by Clare W., age 13 “Get back here!” the overseer bellowed, quickly dashing through the crowded aisles of the village store, chasing after a runaway slave...
by Jack Chicken, cheese, and vegetables are all commonly eaten in the USA. The consumption of raw fish is on the rise as it is now sold in malls and airports...