Author - mo_admin

Featured Unit 6

The Fury of the Sea

by Mary Charles Johnson, age 12 Dorothy Gibson, an upand-coming silent screen actress, was in for the ride of her life. Immediately a hit, she...

Featured Submissions

Snatched from Prestige

by Stephen Pearson, age 16 “We were both dumb.” Midas, the gold-stricken king of Ovid’s Metamorphoses parades this astute observation to Ilsebill, a...


Battles Won and Lessons Taught

by Bella Lindsey, age 12 Action. Fantasy. Romance. Lessons. Disney’s The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian has it all. C.S. Lewis is known for his...

Level B Unit 6

Vital Arachnids

by Susan Heil, age 13 Horrible, bloodthirsty, and relentless are the words most often used when discussing spiders. Pondering these frightening...