Submissions/Writer’s Guidelines

Students, do you want to see your work published in the Magnum Opus Magazine? If you are an IEW student, elementary through high school, then you’re in luck! You may submit as many articles or stories as you’d like, just make sure they follow our specific writer’s guidelines.

The Magnum Opus Magazine is searching for pieces that are well-written and show skill in both grammar and style. That means that pieces should showcase writing by students who have a strong grasp on the IEW style and method.

Monthly Publication Schedule
October – Unit 2
November – Unit 3
December – no newsletter
January – Unit 4
February – Unit 5
March – Unit 6
April – Unit 7
May – Unit 8
June – Unit 9
July – IEW’s writing contest winners
August – no newsletter
September – no newsletter

What are we looking for?

Work Following IEW Units
Units 1 & 2. Summarizing from Notes
Unit 3. Summarizing Narrative Stories
Unit 4. Summarizing a Reference
Unit 5. Writing from Pictures
Unit 6. Summarizing Multiple References
Unit 7. Inventive Writing—between 350 and 1500 words
Unit 8. Formal Essay Models —between 350 and 1500 words
Unit 9. Formal Critique—between 350 and 1500 words

    • Pieces should feature the dress-ups and sentence openers that you have learned in your level of the IEW courses.
    • Please don’t include stylistic indicators (bold, italics, underlines, etc.)
  • Please DO include decorations and triple extensions! This will make your writing especially strong and more engaging.

Submission Guidelines

How should my work be formatted?

At the top of each submission, please include the following:

    • 1. Your name
      2. Current age
      3. Which category your submission will be classified under
    • Please send your submission in a Word Document or a Google Document, with a different file for each submission. We do not accept work sent as a PDF.
    • Submissions should be single-spaced in Times New Roman font, size 12.
    • Please make sure your work does not include any stylistic indicators (bold, italics, underlines, etc.)
    • All submissions should be spell-checked and edited. This is very important! You want your work to be freshly polished to increase your chances of publication.
  • Use only ONE space after each sentence.

Other Guidelines

    • All submissions should be original work. If you didn’t write it (that’s plagiarism!), the Magnum Opus Magazine will NOT be able to accept it.
  • We will only consider pieces that are family friendly. That means no gruesome battle scenes, inappropriate language, or mature themes. Our magazine is enjoyed by all ages, so every piece must be appropriate for everyone.

How do I send in my work?

    • You can submit your work through this Google Form. A publication consent form is not needed when submitting this way. Please be sure to read and agree to the terms in the form.
    • The Magnum Opus Magazine does NOT accept any submissions by mail.

Because the “Magnum Opus Magazine” gets so many submission, any work that does not follow these guidelines will not be considered.

For special contests and updates about the Magnum Opus Magazinesubscribe today!


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